Well friends, I'm spilling the beans! My lovely Thia Karen tagged me with the Honest Scrap Award Challenge - to come up with ten HONEST things about myself that you may not know. Little scraps of information that I normally wouldn't share in everyday conversation. So here they are...
* Disclaimer: If you have to stop halfway through, take a breather, and come back to it I won't be offended. After all, one can only handle so much crazy in one sitting. *
1) I often watch Maury. Yes, you read that right... Maury Povich. Why is it so enjoyable to watch crazy people on tv? "You ARE the father!" You just can't make this stuff up.
2) I drink way too much Diet Coke for my own good.
3) I can never pick out a greeting card in less than 10 minutes. No matter what the occasion, I like to try and select the perfect card. I LOVE perusing the aisles to find something funny, or heartwarming.
4) I enjoy driving - I actually enjoy time in the car... it's built in alone time, to drink some coffee, listen to some good tunes, or enjoy the solace. I find that whatever is bothering me from a day at work usually resolves by the time I get home because I've had time to clear my head a little bit.
5) I usually change into my pajamas within 20 minutes of being home. My former room mates can attest to this! If I'm in for the night, the pj's are on right away!!!
6) I check people.com religiously, and am way too fascinated with the lives of celebrities.
7) I really don't like the season of summer, and find myself in an all around better mood when it's the second half of the year in fall and winter. I love cool, crisp, and overcast days!
8) As this past week was "Premiere Week" on TV, and all of the networks are starting their new fall seasons, I have found myself very excited, yet sadly overwhelmed. You know, it's exhausting. There's this internal struggle of "to tivo - or not to tivo?" I mean, there are so many shows that look interesting, but do I really want to invest? Can my heart and mind take any more? Plus, there's this stress involved in making sure that Tivo is catching all of the shows, both old and new. I mean, seriously... it takes a village. It's all about priorities... :)
9) I never throw away shoes. I wouldn't consider myself a huge pack rat, but for some reason, shoes are something that I just can't seem to get rid of easily. I have random shoes and flip flops that I never wear... but can't seem to part with. There has to be a name for this? Help Dr. Phil!
10) I still have my blanket from childhood... but that's not the worst part. I still sleep with it. Forget the crazy shoe problem... I need Dr. Phil on speed dial!
It feels good to air out some dirty laundry! Give it a try! :)