Oh my goodness, today is a day that will go down in the books as one of my most favorite days!! I got to go to a taping of Bonnie Hunt's new talk show! I have been trying to get tickets since she started a couple of weeks ago, and I have been faithfully watching her talk show every day. I have been a big fan of Bonnie and have been following her career since I was little! One of my favorite Bonnie movies was Return to Me, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Did you know that she wrote the screenplay and directed it? She's so talented (enter Bonnie Chicago accent.) :)
So I get this phone call this weekend from my dear Aunt Karen (who is also a Bonnie fan) and she got tickets to today's show for us! Needless to say, we cancelled our plans, worked around our work/school schedules and went. We had such a fun little group: Auntie Karen, her friend Sandy (j'adore her by the way) me, and my mom!!! We had such an amazing time. Bonnie's studio (look at me talking like I know her) is at the Culver City Studios, and it was so fun to be at cute downtown Culver City... Bonnie just fits right in there. We were among the first in line for the show this afternoon, AND the best part...we got front row seats!!!! I think they could tell how huge of Bonnie fans we were so they put us right in front. :) The show was amazing... Amy Brenneman from Private Practice was on and so was Josh Kelly. They gave each of us the first season of Private Practice on DVD which was really fun too. Bonnie came into the audience a lot, we were inches from her... it was just so exciting!
Her set is so neat. She is inspired by Dean Martin in so many ways and it shows in her amazing set. She has a grand piano, warm colors and charming family photos on the walls. We have lots of fun pictures too! In fact, we might have gotten a little carried away. We were taking pictures all around the lot... by the Culver Studios service trucks, the houses, and even ON the golf carts that the pages drive around. We also tracked down her make-up artist and got a picture with her. We even got "escorted" out by one of the staff members. oops! ;) I'll post the pictures when I get them from my dear Auntie.
So it was such a fun day, one of the best actually. I was surrounded by my most favorite people and it was just incredible. Needless to say, we made friends with all of the interns, pages, and even the producer Don who I love on the set too. They really know how to treat their audience members there, and I love that. They gave us yummy hot dogs and root beer before the show too... I felt like I was in Bonnie's living room in Chicago. I was already too much of a Bonnie fan before I went, and seeing her live did not disappoint, I don't think I could love her any more. She was kind, sweet, and down right hysterical as usual.
So, my faithful blog readers, I'm obsessed with her. I'm convinced that one day I will meet Bonnie and we'll go out to lunch. She is not only makes me laugh, but she is truly inspiring to me. She's definitely on my list of people to meet in my lifetime. All the way home I was telling my mom about all of the ideas that I had about bringing something to her next time we go to the show. And we will be back for sure! Actually one of the friends that we made there at the show today told us that if we come back we'll be VIP guests, so Lord knows that I won't miss out on that opportunity!
Good times had by all. Thanks Bonnie! We had a ball! Please tune in to her show on NBC at 12:00 noon during the week. Trust me, it will be such a highlight of your day.