Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Show Tune A Day Keeps the Doctor Away...

I love Show Tunes. I just love them. I love the theatre, and I love Broadway shows. I'm always the first person to rush the little store and buy the soundtrack and listen to it until I'm blue in the face from singing the amazing ballads and group dance numbers. 

Okay friends, I know it can be tempting to buy the soundtrack, listen to it once or twice, and never really pull it out again. But let me let you in on a little secret blog buddies... a show tune a day does wonders for your soul. There is something amazing that a score from your favorite show or even movie can do for your mood and your day. Whether it's rocking out to a big group dance number from Hairspray, marching into battle with the cast of Les Mis, going through the seasons of love with the cast of Rent, graduating high school with Danny, Sandy and the cast of Grease, or Defying Gravity with Elphaba in Wicked (don't even get me started.) Listening to a favorite show tune can indeed pull you out of a funk, or make your already good mood that much better. 

So friends, take a minute today to dust off that old album, pop it into your CD player,  sing your heart out, and bring out your inner Elphaba. Or do what I do and keep them all in your car so that when the need arises, and you're sitting in traffic contemplating life and wondering where it all went wrong... you can pop in your CD, turn the track to your favorite song and suddenly you're not in traffic on the 5... You're a Broadway star on an amazing set, with a giant orchestra behind you and a packed out house! :) 

1 comment:

Karen Carter said...

How cute are you!! LOVED this post. And thanks for the reminder to listen to more fun music along the way. Love Thia (who was raised on Sound of Music and Mary Poppins) Memories....