Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately and how very important it is. Friendship is truly one of the greatest gifts that we can give and receive. Whenever I am feeling down, or just not myself, a conversation with one of my dear friends always picks me right up. True friendship is good for our souls, and it inspires, encourages and loves unconditionally with no bounds. I have been truly blessed with the very best friends in the whole world, and for them I could not be more thankful. My friends mean the world to me, and there are certain soul connections that I could not live without. I don't know what I would do without knowing that I have people in my life that love me unconditionally and are there through thick and thin - through the tears and the side-splitting laughter. There really is nothing like a good laugh that makes you cry and laugh until your stomach hurts! Earlier this week, my mom reconnected with her high school best friend after 22 years. It was so fun to hear her talk on the phone with her, and hear the excitement in her voice as they reminisced and caught up on one another's lives. They laughed all the way through their 2 hour conversation, and it was so special to hear about this friendship and heart connection that is older than I am! This was especially great for me to witness because it gave me hope for the future, and reminded me that when two souls are connected, they are connected for life. Thank you to my friends... each one of you. You are so special to my heart, and for you I am truly grateful. 

1 comment:

Ashlyn Carter said...

I'm blessed to be in your family, but even more so your friend. Love you so much Chlo. We get to be friends forever now.